Producer responsibility

What is producer responsibility?

Producer responsibility for electronics and batteries means that all companies that produce and sell electronics or batteries must make a contribution to help cover the costs of collecting and recycling the products. Producer responsibility is based on an EU directive from 2005 and aims to promote increased sustainability. You can read more about producer responsibility on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website.
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Am I subject to producer responsibility?

Your company is subject to producer responsibility for electronics and batteries if you place electronic products and batteries on the market in Sweden. This may include producers, importers, distributors and resellers. More information regarding definitions of the types of companies that are subject to producer responsibility is available on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website.

How do I take my producer responsibility?

  1. Register with Recipo
  2. Register with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency*
  3. Report your sales to us (once a month or once a quarter)

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  • Price per unit sold. There is a yearly administration fee and there after your company pays a fee per unit sold based on your reported sales. If you would like more information about our prices, please complete the registration enquiry form here.
  • Supervisory fee payable to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA invoice organisations directly for the supervisory fee. One for batteries and one for electronics. Where Recipo acts as an Authorised Representative, we are invoiced for the electronics oversight fee which we add to your invoice. The battery oversight charges are invoiced directly to your organisation by the EPA.


New Requirements from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket)

Starting from January 1, 2024, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has introduced requirements for producer responsibility fees for electronics to be differentiated based on the chemical content of the products, and higher prices must be applied to certain products.

This means that the price list is differentiated in the following ways:

  • Electronic products where any component contains 0.1 weight percent or more of substances from the candidate list in the “REACH regulation” will have the regular price.
  • A discount of 10 percent is issued for products for which you already pay full chemical tax, provided that the product does not contain any other substances from the candidate list.
  • If you already pay the full chemical tax for the product and it also contains any other substance from the candidate list not covered by the chemical tax, the product will continue to have the regular price.
  • Products that only contain components with less than 0.1 weight percent of substances on the candidate list will also qualify for 10 percent discount.


What Does the Candidate List and REACH Regulation Mean?

The REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is European legislation that regulates the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals to ensure their safety for people and the environment.

The Candidate List is a list of substances assessed to be particularly hazardous to human health and the environment within the framework of the REACH Regulation and may be subject to restrictions or authorization requirements.

You can find the Candidate List on this website:

Europe Skyline - EU profucer responsibility | Recipo

Sales to EU countries

Swedish companies that place electronics on the market in other EU countries are subject to producer responsibility in each country. Recipo assists companies with producer responsibility in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and can also help companies to find a collaboration partner in other EU countries.

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Authorised representative

For foreign companies that place electronics on the market in Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency requires such companies to appoint an authorised representative. Recipo is an authorised representative and can take care of the administration of all fees and manage all communication with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Differences between household EEE and professional EEE

Pursuant to the regulations on producer responsibility, companies that sell electronics intended for use by consumers (household EEE) must be affiliated to Recipo or another nationally approved collection scheme. Household EEE includes all products intended for use in households, even if the sale of such products is transacted between companies.


Companies that sell electronics intended for use within companies and industry (professional EEE) must report their sales statistics to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. This can be done by becoming affiliated to Recipo. These companies also need to achieve the recycling targets specified in the Swedish Ordinance on Producer Responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

You can read more about the Swedish Ordinance, household EEE and professional EEE on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website here.

Store collection

Companies that are subject to producer responsibility need to offer store collection of electronic waste from consumers. The amount of electronic waste that each store is expected to manage is based on the principle of one-for-one. In other words, you are expected to manage the collection of a quantity of electronic waste (in terms of kg or units) equivalent to the quantity of electronic products you sell.

Recipo takes care of everything

  • Reporting and fees are administered monthly or quarterly through Recipo’s customer portal.
  • Recipo ensures that the electronic waste is recycled and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
  • Store collection – Recipo helps stores to manage the electronic waste they have received through collection.
  • Recipo provides communication material that companies can use to inform consumers about recycling of electronic waste.
  • Recipo helps companies that sell both household EEE and professional EEE.
  • Recipo is an authorised representative for foreign companies, and we have our own offices in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

For information about fees and prices, please complete the enquiry form or contact our customer service department:

Enquiry form and information about processes and registration

Recipo puts the environment in focus

In addition to ensuring that all companies affiliated to Recipo satisfy the statutory requirements associated with producer responsibility, we are also proud to be able to call ourselves the environmentally best alternative in the industry. This means that we can guarantee that the electronic waste we collect is never exported or sold to other countries with lower requirements on quality of recycling.

Recipo continuously focus on increasing the recycling and reuse from e-waste. Waste that might be suitable for reuse is removed from the waste stream and tested to ensure its quality. Our recyclers pre-treat the waste, and remove any batteries from the waste. By sorting and treating the waste in several steps, we ensure that as much waste as possible is recycled into new material. Through focusing on safely taking care of hazardous waste and recycling materials that are difficult to treat, we ensure that we not only reach, but surpass, the goals for recycled e-waste. 

Recipo’s environmental investments:

  • More than 140 collection sites throughout Sweden
  • Recipo is the only collection system in Sweden that operates its own plastic recycling plant
  • The unique collection system Secure Collect for collection of electronic waste containing sensitive information
  • Provision of communication material for sustainability campaigns

You can read more about what makes Recipo unique here.

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